Novak Đoković bids farewell to Dejan Milojević


Novak Đoković has said goodbye to Dejan Milojević on social media. After the tragic news and everything that happened in America, the world’s top tennis player spoke out from Australia. He wrote just three words in Cyrillic on social media. It was also difficult for him to cope… Novak even visited the Mega Hall in June 2020 when Milojević said goodbye to Mega and was part of that event. “I enjoyed it, I am proud of all of this. Coaches are usually forced out of clubs, especially in these parts. I am honored, thank you all,” Dejan said at the time. Before that, he presented Đoković with a jersey with the number one and then sat next to Nikola Jokić to watch the match. On Wednesday, Milojević suffered a heart attack during dinner with friends in Salt Lake City. He was rushed to the hospital and underwent surgery. Everyone hoped he would pull through. Unfortunately, that did not happen. While he was still fighting for his life, Serbian media in Melbourne asked Novak about him, and he couldn’t believe it. It’s shocking for such a young man, and he left a mark on our sport. Many are saying goodbye to the Serbian coach and player, heartfelt messages, touching stories, anecdotes, and plenty of praise are coming from all over the world for him, his behavior, and his relationship with everyone. “No one in Serbia could believe the news. That guy was a beast, always positive. Everyone saw him as the type of person you could complain to, but he never complained, he would just say let’s laugh. That’s all he would say. Seeing the impact he had, it’s so sad. Many players and coaches around the world won’t forget. Milojević is a great player, but he never chased his career, his family always came first. I think that’s a great example of how to live life. He believes that if you don’t love your life, you can’t be the best at your job. Sometimes people value their work more than other things, so this is a very sad day,” said Bogdan Bogdanović. Novak Đoković’s farewell message was short, but it conveyed his sadness and the impact that Dejan Milojević had on his life.

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