Declaraciones de clubes de la Superliga Europea desmienten su participación en la Superliga


Famous football clubs are responding one after another. Some of the mentioned clubs released statements on Friday between 5 and 6 p.m. denying the claims. Roma was among the first to react.

“Roma once again assures that it does not support any project related to the so-called Super League. The club also emphasizes that it has not changed its stance on this, nor has it entered into negotiations on any project other than the European Club Association and collaboration with UEFA and FIFA,” stated the club from Rome. Additionally, Dutch Feyenoord also responded.

“We insist that we have not committed to, nor discussed the possibility of forming the Super League or participating in it, as some foreign media have reported. From what I know, there are doubts about whether this initiative is a good idea for clubs and national leagues. Through the association of clubs, we will continue to think about the future, about improvements within European football, and about strengthening the position of Dutch football.

We will continue to actively monitor the situation,” was also the message from Rotterdam. “Our position was already defined in December and has not changed,” announced the French. The project was initially announced in April 2022 but was extinguished swiftly, following a series of clubs withdrawing, fan protests, and significant opposition.

However, Barcelona and Real Madrid have remained in the same positions for two years and are not giving up on forming the world’s richest competition. (MONDO – M.Š)


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